Singing and Yard Work

Ice, Ice Baby

Monday, September 29, 2014/Categories: Entries

I love to sing --- yesterday my niece very politely jammed and car danced with me to Ice, Ice Baby, by Vanilla Ice – I know all the words!! I actually know all the words to lots of songs – occasionally though they are not the right words – for instance:

In Pinball Wizard the line is “deaf, dumb and blind kid, sure plays a mean pinball”. For years I sang “death on a blanket, sure plays a mean pinball”. Well what the hell?? These people were on acid – I didn’t necessarily think the lyrics would make sense!

Anyway, I said I like to sing, I didn’t say I could sing well – I just know all the words!! Anyway, I try to just sing silently at the gym – if I am home doing something like riding the roller on my bike I sing out loud – I think it helps with breath control and adds to your workout – but I do not subject people paying a gym membership to that! I do occasionally yell at the tv while at the gym – I didn’t realize it until one day during an NFL game – a guy turned around and said who are you cheering for………..ok dipshit – if you understood the game of football you would not have had to ask that question based on what I yelled and the timing of said outburst. If it was a pickup line it didn’t work………..

That being said – I do think I was singing out loud while mowing yesterday……….no one called the police so I think it’s all good. And I was in my own yard and it was in the middle of the day – that and my neighbors have decided that their child should practice the trumpet in the back yard…… dogs’ hackles go up when they hear this – it sounds like what I think a wounded water buffalo would sound like as it was dying…….I’m sure that will improve – but holy shit people – that’s why houses have basements and closets…..

Love, The Gym Bytch

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